Do you need to be inspired?
Inspire is defined as to inhale or to give inspiration. The thesaurus defines it as to encourage, to stimulate or to exhilarate. It's natural to need inspiration at times because of the numerous challenges we all face.
I was at a Store recently and I saw signs with inspirational messages. For instance, "live your dream" and "you are braver than you believe...stronger than you seem... and smarter than you think".
I can't stop looking at them. I'm not sure why. There must be a psychological reason that these quotes motivate us. Perhaps it's because many of us are aspirational individuals. We seek to go farther, do more and be better than we were yesterday. These signs make me think. Sometimes they make me feel good and I find myself smiling. And sometimes I'm motivated to write a new article or story. You see, I'm a dreamer and sometimes dreamers need to stop dreaming for a moment and DO. So there you have it, these signs are sometimes the "kick in the pants" that I need to get something done. Even if it's something I hadn't planned on doing or didn't know I needed to do. It puts the excitement back into my ho-hum ordinary chore-driven life.
Doing returns the spirit into a spirited individual like me. Has anyone ever called you spirited? Sometimes the lively energy of a spirited person is contagious, sometimes inspiring and sometimes exhausting. But I believe the spirit knows what to do. Getting caught up in the day to day activities dulls the existence of spirit. Ignored spirit is like a sad puppy. Give that puppy some attention and the excitement is evident in its whole body. It's like it's saying, "what are we going to next?" and "I'm ready." The nice thing about puppies is they don't overthink like we do. Boy, I know I can overthink. The inspirational messages prompt us to think about who we are and what we can do without overthinking. Definitely a soft kick in the pants version of "get off your butt and be YOU".
I guess that's why I have a sign in my office that states CREATE and one that states FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. They are my little prompts to guide my spirit to emerge "front and center".
Doing returns the spirit into a spirited individual like me. Has anyone ever called you spirited? Sometimes the lively energy of a spirited person is contagious, sometimes inspiring and sometimes exhausting. But I believe the spirit knows what to do. Getting caught up in the day to day activities dulls the existence of spirit. Ignored spirit is like a sad puppy. Give that puppy some attention and the excitement is evident in its whole body. It's like it's saying, "what are we going to next?" and "I'm ready." The nice thing about puppies is they don't overthink like we do. Boy, I know I can overthink. The inspirational messages prompt us to think about who we are and what we can do without overthinking. Definitely a soft kick in the pants version of "get off your butt and be YOU".
I guess that's why I have a sign in my office that states CREATE and one that states FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. They are my little prompts to guide my spirit to emerge "front and center".